Mat Iles : Director
Has worked for local authorities, the national charity The Royal Mencap Society and the NHS in roles empowering adults with learning disabilities and/or autism in all aspects of their lives.
My work in local authorities was day centre based for people with learning disabilities and/or profound and multiple learning disabilities. My role was to create more opportunities for service users to access the community, enroll and facilitate college courses and signpost & support to employment.
Other work for the local authority was providing residential support in an emergency and medium term respite home to people with learning disabilities as well as working within council day services.
The project I worked on for Mencap was supporting people with learning disabilities that had lost or were losing their council run day services into employment or training in the Bristol area. Also creating microenterprises for people who we deemed to be “furthest from the job market”, such as the successful “RE:Potted Recycling” business, employing two adults who have learning disabilities, which I’m still involved with.
Working for the NHS in a residential care environment, my role was supporting adults who had learning disabilities and/or autism who “challenged society” (formerly known as challenging behaviour). The post involved supporting service users with all aspects of their life, from getting dressed, cooking, personal care and supporting people to access the community,
Before all of this, I worked as a computer helpdesk analyst for the NHS after returning from living in South Africa where I worked as a market trader in the sunny city of Cape Town!
Annie Iles : Director
Annie has over 25 years experience working with Adults with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and autism. Annie has worked in residential settings, day services, and supported employment; promoting opportunities and services that are tailored to individuals and support people to access a wide range of community opportunities that exercise choice and control. This has included supporting people to lead a fulfilling life through community participation, employment, education, independent living and creating new social networks and is committed to realize the key principles set out in the Governments white paper ‘Valuing People’ and legislation.
Annie has worked in education services, voluntary sector and charitable providers. Annie works for the local authority within Health Improvement to deliver services, raise awareness and access to services that can help improve the health & wellbeing for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism.
Annie has fulfilled a wide range of social care training. In 1999 Annie was awarded with a ‘Certificate in Education’ and in 2009 received a ‘Registered Managers Award’. Annie is currently working towards a ‘Public Health & Health Promotion’ award to further promote and reduce health inequalities that can influence health.
Sharon: Job Coach & Community Support Worker
Worked for local authorities within day services for over 20 years and brings those vital skills and experience to her role that are needed when supporting people with in their work or in the community. Sharon’s a keen Bristol Rovers fan!
Deb: Community Support Worker
Worked for local authorities within day services and supported independence services for over 20 years and brings those vital skills and experience to her role that are needed when supporting people in their community. When Deb isn’t working, she’s caravanning!
Gerry : Community Support Worker & Job Coach
Gerry has worked for local authorities as well as private sector support services for over 20 years, both in day services and supported living. Gerry enjoys singing in a local choir.
Tony : Community Support Worker
Worked for local authorities within day services for over 15 years and brings those vital skills and experience to his role that are needed when supporting people in their community. When Tony’s not working, you’ll find him playing guitar in a local band.
Tiff : Community Support Worker & Job Coach
Tiff came into social care quite late after forging a career in the public sector as an HR manager. However, she brings life experience and empathy to her role, key skills when supporting people. When Tiff isn’t working, you can find her camping in her “bongo” van.
Ian : Community Support Worker & Job Coach
Ian was a little “late to the party” until he found his calling within the social care sector after careers in publishing and sales. He brings energy, fresh ideas and more energy! When Ian isn’t at work, he’s a keen VW fanatic.

Andy : Community Support Worker
Andy worked as an Occupational Therapist assistant for most of his life before joining LD Awareness where he brings his life skills and training to our team.

Dan : Community Support Worker
Dan joined us after a varied career in retail and management. He wanted a new challenge and to do a job where he felt job satisfaction. Years later as a CSW with LD Awareness, he hasn’t looked back.

Faye : Community Support Worker
Faye has several years of support work experience, as well as working in dentistry and even a spell as a nanny in the past.

Helen : Community Support Worker
Before working for LD Awareness, Helen worked for the local authority as a cycle safety coach for several years. Helen still enjoys cycling and loves supporting people with their independent living skills.

Jon : Community Support Worker
Jon has many years experience supporting children and adults who have additional needs, learning disabilities and/or autism. He enjoys music having been a former drummer in the 90’s, touring the UK & Europe before settling for a career in social care. Jon still enjoys playing in his band.

Kim : Community Support Worker
Kim is one of our newest recruits and has settled into the team really well. Kim enjoys most sport, especially rugby. A former player and now physio on Saturdays for a local rugby team.

Liz : Community Support Worker
Liz has been a support worker for many years. She has supported people with varying additional needs in several settings, specialises in horticulture and enjoys green open spaces.

Mel : Community Support Worker
Mel has worked in care and support for most of her life. She worked within local authority day services before branching out into community support work.

Nicole : Community Support Worker
Nicole has experience of working within local authority day services as well as residential care services. She enjoys supporting people in their homes as well as in the community.

Sarah : Community Support Worker
Sarah has several years of experience supporting people with additional needs. She has worked in residential, nursing and community based projects throughout her career. She enjoys long dog walks and being in the great outdoors.

Rachel : Community Support Worker
Rachel has supported adults with additional needs in their homes, community as well as in employment over the years. A keen netball fan, she still umpires and is always active!