Employment & Supported Employment is a priority for people with a learning disability as set out in “Valuing People Now”.
What is supported employment?
Supported employment is an evidence-based and personalised approach to support people with disabilities into real jobs, where they can fulfill their employment aspirations and achieve social and economic inclusion.

Leigh in his role, supported by LD Awareness Job Coach Sharon
The LD Awareness team can support people from the age of 16 upwards into supported employment. We can support smooth and seamless transitions from education into employment and, if required, in employment on an ongoing basis.
Our team of experts can support a person through their employment journey, from pre-employment assessment all the way through to job searching and job coaching (once employment has been found).
Our staff have the knowledge and experience of supporting people with learning disabilities into employment and will always ensure its what YOU (the job searcher) wants.
Our Supported Employment Service covers:
Pre-employment support: We do this by working in a person centred way through regular contact with the job seeker to build a trusting professional relationship, exploring options, identify appropriate training (if required) to develop skills in order to get a job and realise aspirations. We will create a Vocational Profile for the job seeker and LD Awareness staff to work through as the person develops. The use of work trials and work placements can be used to offer experience in a real work environment and allow LD Awareness to assess any specific areas that the service user may need more support with. Risk assessments will be written for each job seeker and will also be tailored to individual circumstances.
The Transition into employment:
Providing support to find work by way of job searching, using local knowledge and contacts with employers, CV preparation & writing and interview support. Furthermore we can support the job seeker to access a “better off” calculation if they are in receipt of any benefits.

Lucy volunteers at a local Animal Sanctuary, supported by her LD Awareness job coach
In-employment support:
We can work with employers and employees to provide assistance during the “settling in” period when starting a new job. We can support the new starter to develop routines through Systematic Instruction Training that can aid the learning of any tasks involved in their new role. Additionally we can supply experienced job coaches to work alongside the new starter while they learn their new role. LD Awareness can also provide support with applications to the Governments ‘Access to Work” scheme to fund any adaptations in the workplace or to fund a job coach if one is required.
What is a Job Coach?
“Valuing Employment Now” says Job coaching is key for people with moderate or severe learning disabilities.
Skilled job coaches have a number of different functions. They establish links with local employers and offer them support, and they work with people with a learning disability to discover what work would suit their skills and interests. They also help people to find and get jobs and support them at work.
Already in Employment?
If you just need some extra support in your job, we have job coaches available to come along and offer their knowledge, support and guidance to you and your employer, if that’s what is needed? We can support with applications to the Governments “Access to Work” scheme to help fund the job coach or you may choose to use a Direct Payment to fund your support?
In this short video, Adam, one of the LD Awareness trainers, introduces some examples of successful supported employment placements in the South Gloucestershire region.